"Pinkeye" is the seventh episode of the first season of the animated television series ''South Park''. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on October 29, 1997, and was the show's first Halloween episode. In "Pinkeye", Kenny is killed and through a freak accident, he is brought back to life as a zombie and starts terrorizing South Park residents, who believe the rise of the living dead is an epidemic of "pinkeye". The episode was written by series co-founders Trey Parker and Matt Stone, along with writer Philip Stark. It was directed by Parker and Stone, and was rated TV-MA in the United States, except on syndicated broadcasts, where the episode is rated TV-14. This episode is rated 12 in the United Kingdom. The episode was the first of a new slate of ''South Park'' episodes Parker and Stone made after Comedy Central agreed to permanently pick up the show. The duo was not happy with the episode, particularly the ending, and was surprised by the positive response it received from fans. Parker said he also wanted the episode to convey, in part, that Halloween is a positive holiday for children. "Pinkeye" received generally positive reviews and has been described as one of the classic episodes of ''South Park''. It was viewed by 1.75 million households the week it aired, an unusually high amount for Comedy Central at the time. The episode introduced the recurring character Principal Victoria when Cartman dresses as Adolf Hitler. Victoria removes Cartman's costume and attempts to dress him as a ghost, but inadvertently makes Cartman resemble a member of the Ku Klux Klan. The costumes initially worried Comedy Central executives, but the negative feedback received was minimal. ==Plot== The four boys are waiting for the school bus as usual when the Mir Space Station lands and kills Kenny. Kenny's body is taken to the local morgue. One of the men at the morgue accidentally leaves a bottle of Worcestershire sauce open and its contents mix with the embalming fluid, turning Kenny into a zombie. Kenny bites the two men and leaves in the middle of the night. The next day Kenny rejoins his friends, who are dressed up for a Halloween costume contest. Stan is dressed as Raggedy Andy (since Wendy would be going as Raggedy Ann, thus making a pair), Kyle wears a Chewbacca mask and Cartman is dressed as Hitler, much to the fury of Kyle due to his being Jewish. A zombified Kenny joins the boys, but they fail to notice that he's a zombie. At school, Kyle gets more annoyed after discovering that the other students (as well as Mr. Hat) are also dressed up as Chewbacca, while Mr. Garrison is dressed as Marilyn Monroe. Much to Stan's dismay, Wendy is also dressed as Chewbacca; she states that she changed costumes because they would have looked stupid as Raggedy Ann and Andy and figured Stan would have thought the same. A stubborn Kyle decides to make a new costume so he can win the prize of two tons of candy. Both Chef (who is dressed as Evel Knievel) and Principal Victoria are annoyed to see Cartman dressed as Hitler. Victoria makes him a "ghost" costume but he ends up looking more like a Ku Klux Klan member, which annoys Chef even more. At the contest that is judged by Tina Yothers, Wendy (despite wearing the same costume as the other students) wins the candy, much to the fury of Kyle, who is now dressed as the Solar System. Stan wins the worst costume and everyone laughs at him, leaving him humiliated. Meanwhile, thanks to Kenny, the two men are mistakenly diagnosed to have "pinkeye," but they turn into zombies and go about biting other people, turning them into zombies. Back home, Chef, who sees the outbreak on TV, tries to warn both the doctor and Mayor McDaniels (who is having sex with Officer Barbrady), but his pleas are ignored. The boys go trick-or-treating (Kyle now dressed as a vampire), not noticing the outbreak, and abandon Kenny, who continues to eat people. They arrive at Chef's home, and Chef tells them what is really going before taking them to the morgue to stop the outbreak. After discovering the hotline number on the Worcestershire sauce bottle, the boys and Chef are attacked by the zombies with Chef becoming the next victim and acting like Michael Jackson in parody of Thriller. Stan and Cartman kill the other zombies with chainsaws and Stan hesitates to kill a zombified Wendy. After Kyle discovers he has to kill the original zombie (after being told complicatedly by the hotline lady), he slices Kenny in half, killing him. The spell is broken and all the zombies turn back to normal (despite being decapitated). Stan makes up with Wendy and they are about to kiss but he ends up puking on her, leaving her disgusted. The episode ends with the boys mourning at Kenny's grave and deciding to go home to eat candy as well as look at photos of Liane Cartman, who is on the cover of a porn magazine (a running gag in the episode), much to the fury of Cartman claiming she was young and needed the money; Stan says the photos were taken a month ago, infuriating Cartman even more. Kenny returns as a zombie again (now all stitched up), but a statue lands on him, followed by an airplane. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Pinkeye (South Park)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク